We believe in thorough cleaning without any shortcuts.

Brenda Green

A multitasking marvel, Brenda wears many hats effortlessly. Mother of two, grandmother of three, and furmama of two dogs, she knows what it means to be on the go. Her love of cleanliness and organization stems not only from her desire for productivity but also from the necessity of staying organized.

With a wealth of experience as a licensed realtor since 1990, Brenda understands the vital role a clean and well-maintained home plays in retaining its value. Through her years of expertise, she has witnessed firsthand how a pristine living space can enhance property marketability and appeal.

Brenda's entrepreneurial spirit shines brightly, as she has successfully started several companies from the ground up. Her drive and determination have propelled her to turn ideas into reality, building businesses that have thrived under her guidance. Through her ventures, Brenda has developed a keen business acumen and an innate understanding of the importance of creating and maintaining a clean and inviting environment for both customers and employees.

Brenda's journey as a licensed realtor, a successful entrepreneur, and a dedicated homemaker has shaped her into an individual who values the importance of a clean and well-maintained home. Her experiences have solidified her understanding of the correlation between cleanliness and productivity. In addition, she understands the role it plays in preserving property value.

In her free time, Brenda's top priority is spending quality moments with her family, particularly her beloved grandkids and furbabies. Live music and Canucks games are two of her favourite things to do with her friends. When she is not busy making memories, she enjoys boating, traveling, and exploring new places.